For years, Figlo has been the undisputed market leader in API-driven calculation services and applications in the institutional market. As an ‘invisible force’, it is the driving force behind numerous online initiatives within the mortgage domain, among others. In addition, they provide the same solution as the calculation core for numerous other portals, such as pension planners and holistic planning solutions.

Together with Finbotx, they offer integrated financial planning and scenario analysis based on recent academic insights. By using realistic investment scenarios within the cash flow analysis from Figlo’s financial software, the effects of investment choices are made clear: “We offer the client better insight into the relationship between risk and return of his investment portfolio and the feasibility of his goals.”

Figlo PALM is an extension to Figlo Planning. Figlo Planning is the starting point for a financial plan. A financial plan contains changes compared to the current situation and calculates the (future) effects of these changes. In a financial plan you can make calculations using a desired remaining budget as well as expected savings and withdrawals. Using Figlo PALM, you can then use the Finbotx Scenario Generator to assess the absolute and relative investment risk of the available investment portfolios.

“We are very proud of what we created. Our models work together very well, are flexible, scalable, and fully API- and cloud-based. In other words, future-proof.”

Mark Tinke, Specialist Financial Planning – Figlo

The Figlo application has a modular structure. This means that you only pay for the modules that you use. You always start with Figlo Start. Figlo Start offers simple input, insight into the current financial situation and gives you access to Figlo Planning. From Figlo Planning you can access the scenario generator Figlo PALM.

For more information, visit the Figlo PALM product page.